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Circulatory Medicine (Vascular Department)

Director Miyagi is one of the few cardiologists in Okinawa who is certified by the Japanese Society of Cardiology.

He performs thorough examinations and prescribes treatments and medications that are suited to each patient.



Arteriosclerosis causes serious diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Arteriosclerosis is a condition in which arterial walls become stiff and lose elasticity.

It progresses simultaneously in blood vessels throughout the body, causing various diseases such as stroke and lower limb ischemia, in addition to heart disease.

At our clinic, blood tests and echocardiography allow us to get a clear picture of the condition of blood vessels.

We also perform CAVI, which can measure arterial stiffness and vascular age, and ABI, which can check for clogged blood vessels in the legs.


Obstructive arteriosclerosis

Atherosclerosis obliterans is a disease that can impair gait.

When arteriosclerosis occurs in the arteries of the lower extremities, there is insufficient blood flow to the legs, causing pain and gait disturbance.

This is called arteriosclerosis obliterans, and about 30% of patients experience symptoms such as pain, lethargy, fatigue, and limpness when walking or exercising using the lower body, making walking difficult.

Depending on the degree of progression of symptoms, lifestyle modification through smoking cessation and dietary control, drug therapy, and surgery may be necessary.

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